ZOGUE: Launch Details

2 min readApr 10, 2022


We are excited to share the official launch details for the ZOGUE. genesis collection.


Whitelist Sale: Wednesday, April 27 at 22:00 UTC

Whitelist Mint Price: 0.1 ETH

Whitelist Purchase Limit: 2

Public Sale: Wednesday, April 27 at 22:00 UTC

Public Mint Price: 0.14 ETH

Public Purchase Limit: 4

The above prices (0.1 ETH, 0.14 ETH) exclude Ethereum Gas Fees. Please fund your wallet with enough ETH to cover the Purchase Price + Gas Fee to avoid disappointment.


Wednesday, April 27 at 22:00 UTC. Mark the date in your calendar.

After some thought and discussions internally, we’ve ultimately decided to launch both the Whitelist and Public sale simultaneously — our rationale being that this is simply the fairest approach. We have implemented functions within the ZOGUE. Smart Contract that ensures every individual that is whitelisted is still guaranteed the opportunity to mint. Of the 2550 total supply, 2000 NFTs will only be available to mint by whitelisted addresses; the remaining NFTs are available to mint by non-whitelisted addresses. This structure ensures that minting is fair for everyone and ensures the benefits of being whitelisted remain intact.

We will share the official ZOGUE. Smart Contract Address with the community before launch. Feel free to inspect the code and ask questions.


  1. Create an Ethereum Mainnet Wallet.
  2. Deposit between 0.1–0.14 ETH (the relative amount depending on whether or not you are whitelisted) in your Ethereum Mainnet Wallet.
  3. Join the ZOGUE. Discord, follow the ZOGUE. Twitter and ensure your notifications are on. We will share all launch-related details via Discord and Twitter.


Upon sell-out, we will begin actioning our roadmap. From the in-person events, ZOGUE. Grant, and merchandise to the community initiatives. The ZOGUE. roadmap is ever-evolving; it is centred around developing ZOGUE. into the strongest brand at the intersection of high fashion and NFTs.

To every individual in the ZOGUE. community, thank you — each one of you played an important role in getting the project to this point. We appreciate your support and are excited to continue building alongside you.

– ZOGUE. Team.

